Hello Friends!
Mate is a tradition full of history and techniques. But even the most experienced can make mistakes that ruin the experience. Today, we will explore the most common mistakes when preparing mate, and how to avoid them to fully enjoy this ritual.
1. Use boiling water
Boiling water destroys the nutrients in yerba mate, which means you lose many of its health benefits. It also makes it taste too bitter and can even cause serious long-term health problems, such as damage to the esophagus. The ideal solution is to use water between 70°C and 80°C. If you don't have a thermometer, stop heating before the water starts to boil.
2. Do not clean the gourd
Using a new gourd without curing it can cause unpleasant odors or mold growth. A gourd needs at least 10 days of continuous use to become properly waterproofed. Many people use it for 2 or 3 days, set it aside, and then come back with a smelly gourd. The key is to use it regularly at first. To prepare it, leave some moist yerba mate inside overnight before using it for the first time.
And if you want to learn how to cure a gourd properly, read this article on our blog: How to cure a gourd ?
3. Moving the bombilla too much
Constantly moving the bombilla can clog it and break the structure of the mate. To avoid this, let the yerba absorb the warm water (70°C - 80°C) well before inserting the bombilla, especially with finely ground yerbas. This can take 2 to 3 minutes. If it gets stuck, try the old wives' trick: tap the base of the bombilla with your fingers, scraping it lightly. If it persists, you can make small controlled movements of the bombilla without breaking the structure of the yerba to slightly widen the hole. In case of persistent blockage, use a suitable bombilla such as the Brazilian Bomba , designed for fine yerbas such as chimarrão.
And if you want to learn how to prepare a perfect mate, check out this article: How to prepare a mate ?
4. Pour all the water at once
Filling the gourd to the brim with water suffocates the yerba and quickly exhausts its flavor. However, in the case of small gourds (Argentine criollo type), it is common to pour all the water at once, because they contain less yerba.
In large gourds, it is essential to form a mountain of yerba to obtain a better experience in terms of flavor and duration.
5. Neglecting to dry the gourd
Leaving a damp gourd in an inappropriate place can cause mold or unpleasant odors. Choosing the drying location is crucial: choose a dry and well-ventilated place. Use absorbent paper for 30 minutes to remove the initial moisture, and if the climate does not allow natural drying, use a hair dryer on low heat.
6. Believing that preparing mate takes too much time
Many people think that preparing a mate is a long and complicated process, but this is not the case. Once this habit is integrated into your routine, it becomes automatic and quick. Preparing a mate can take as much time as making a coffee or other hot drink. It is simply a matter of organizing yourself and finding your own rhythm.
7. Not cleaning the bombilla regularly
A dirty bombilla accumulates yerba residue, which affects the taste and hygiene. Clean your bombilla after each use and do a deep cleaning once a month with boiling water and a teaspoon of baking soda.
And if you want to learn how to properly clean a bombilla, check out this article: How to Clean a Bombilla ?.
8. Choosing the wrong yerba mate
Using a yerba that doesn’t suit your tastes can ruin the experience. Experiment with different types of yerba (stemmed, unstemmed, mild, or intense) until you find the one that works best for you. Also, be open to trying new brands or flavors, as this can be a great opportunity to discover other interesting flavor profiles.
9. Not rotating the yerba properly
Serving the same place over and over until the yerba is completely gone can diminish the quality of the experience. Once the yerba loses its flavor, start pouring the water down the mountain wall to cause fresh yerba to fall to the bottom. This will prolong the flavor and provide a more consistent experience. There are several techniques for swirling the yerba, but we will cover those in a future blog.
10. Thinking that yerba mate packages labeled “TERERÉ” are only for cold consumption
Many people think that yerba mate packages that have the word “TERERÉ” on their packaging are exclusively meant to be consumed cold, but that’s not entirely true. These yerbas, labeled as such, simply have a coarser grind and a lower dust content. This makes them ideal for tereré (cold brew), but they can also be used to prepare hot mate. These yerbas offer a different experience in terms of taste and duration, whether it’s for tereré or traditional mate.