Introduction :
Mate is an ancestral drink that requires special care of its accessories. A common concern among mate lovers is the appearance of fungus inside the calabash, which can affect its taste and quality. In this article, we will discuss the reasons behind the appearance of fungus in the gourd, tips to prevent them and how to eliminate them if they are already present.
Why do mushrooms appear in the mate gourd?
The calabash used for mate is a natural and porous product. When the gourd is not properly dried or is stored in a humid place, the humidity can encourage the appearance of fungus. Fungi are microorganisms that thrive in warm, humid environments, so keeping the gourd dry is crucial to prevent their proliferation.
Tips for preventing the appearance of fungus:
- Regular Cleaning and Drying: After each use, be sure to clean the gourd with lukewarm water and a soft brush. Then, dry it completely inside and out before storing it.
- Proper Storage: Store the gourd in a dry, well-ventilated place when not in use. Avoid leaving the gourd in damp places, such as the sink or dishwasher.
- Exposure to the sun: From time to time, leave the gourd in the sun for a few hours. The sun will help dry the gourd and kill any fungi if they have already started to appear.
- Change yerba mate frequently: Leftover yerba can retain moisture, encouraging the appearance of fungus. Avoid leaving residue in the gourd for long periods of time.
How to get rid of fungus once it appears:
- Deep cleaning: Wash the gourd with lukewarm water and a soft brush to remove visible fungus.
- White vinegar or baking soda: You can use a solution of white vinegar diluted in water or a paste of baking soda and water to disinfect the gourd. Rub gently and rinse thoroughly.
- Exposure to the sun: Leave the gourd in the sun for a few hours to help kill fungus and dry the gourd.
- Drying Completely: Make sure the gourd is completely dry before storing it.
Conclusion :
Fungus in the mate gourd can be annoying, but with proper care and preventative measures you can avoid their appearance. Clean and dry the gourd regularly, store it in a dry, well-ventilated place, and change the yerba mate frequently. If fungus appears, don't worry, follow the tips to eliminate them and you can continue to enjoy your mate with complete peace of mind.
Related: To learn how to prepare your mate calabash and take care of it, consult our guide How to “curar” your mate calabash: detailed guide.